Who we are

You're probably curious about who we are and what we stand for. Well, here's our story and so much more.

Ludwig & Co.

Every company needs a patron saint, and in our case, it's Ludwig. But which Ludwig, you might ask? After all, Bavarian history has seen several: From the early Duke Ludwig the Kelheimer to three Bavarian kings sharing the same name.

But our patron is King Ludwig I, who reigned over Bavaria from 1825 to 1848. A fascinating, active, and complex character, he was a lover of all the world's beauty, with many stories to his name.

We think he's an excellent choice. He'd probably agree.

Our Promise

Sure, by the end of our city tour, you should definitely leave a bit wiser than when you arrived. Perhaps you'll gain a clearer understanding of some confusing parts of history and how everything has evolved. Maybe you'll even feel like you "get" Munich a bit better.

Amidst all these grand plans, our primary goal is simple: We want you to have a great time with us! Remembering a date or two, or the details of a façade is nice, but if you look back and recall how much fun the tour was – that's when we know we've truly succeeded.

Tobi, Founder

After many travels, Tobi realized that to truly understand a country or a place, one must experience it in all its aspects - its history, culture, and culinary delights, but most importantly, through its people. Time and again, he sought the assistance of local guides. One guide in India, Dhruv Gupta, left a lasting impression. Dhruv described himself as a "Local Friend" - a friend in a foreign land.

A local friend – what more could a traveler wish for?

With this philosophy, we have been on tour with you since 2017, conducting several hundred tours each year.

Our Guides

We Have the Best Guides. It's easy to claim to have the best guides – anyone can say that. And we don't want to come off as presumptuous. Munich is home to truly excellent guides: highly educated, skilled, multilingual. Frankly, we'd love to join many of them on their tours.

But when we say we have the best guides, we mean the best for us, for Ludwig & Co., and, most importantly, for the guests who choose to book with us and are eager to experience Munich in our unique way.

We truly believe we have the best guides.

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